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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - search


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Перевод с английского языка search на русский


1) поиск || искать; осуществлять поиск || поисковый

2) вчт. команда или программа поиска

3) исследование; изучение || исследовать; изучать

search for extraterrestrial intelligencesearch in problem spacesearch in state spaceadmissible searcharea searchautomated searchautomatic searchautomatic program searchbacktracking searchbeam searchbest-first searchbinary searchbisection searchblind searchBoolean searchbranch-and-bound searchbreadth-first search

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  поиск; просмотр (напр. УП); перебор вариантов || искать; просматривать; перебирать || поисковыйassociative searchautomatic datum searchbest-first searchbest-match searchbidirectional searchblock-by-block searchBoolean searchcomputer searchforward searchinformation searchlinear searchon-line searchpinion cone searchrandom searchretrospective searchreverse searchsubject searchtape search ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  after стремиться (к чему-л.) Many people spend years searching after peace of mind. SEARCH me! coll. почем я знаю! SEARCH through искать, отыскивать; рыться (в чем-л.) I spent ten minutes searching through the drawer for the key, and it was in my bag all the time! Police with dogs are searching through the woods for the missing child. SEARCH  1. noun  1) поиски; I am in search of a house - я ищу себе дом; a search for a missing aircraft - поиски пропавшего самолета  2) обыск; right of search leg. - право обыска судов  3) исследование; изыскание  4) attr. поисковый  2. v.  1) искать; разыскивать; to search for a lost girl - разыскивать заблудившуюся девочку; to search after new remedies - разрабатывать новые средства лечения  2) шарить; обыскивать; производить обыск; to search a house - производить обыск в доме; to search ones memory - вспоминать, напрягая память  3) исследовать; to search ones heart - анализировать свои чувства  4) зондировать (рану)  5) проникать; the cold searched his marrow - он продрог до мозга костей - search after - search out - search through - search me! Syn: see hunt SEARCH out разыскать, найти to search out an old friend разыскать старого друга The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witnesss statement. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поиск(и) the search for the missing airmen —- поиски пропавших летчиков the search for (after) truth —- поиски истины the search for (after) happiness —- погоня за счастьем in search of smth. —- в поисках чего-л. in search of health —- пытаясь восстановить здоровье to be in search of employment —- подыскивать себе работу he is in search for an apartment —- он ищет квартиру to set out in search of smth. —- приняться за розыск чего-л. in my search I found... —- в процессе поисков я обнаружил... to make a search for smb., smth. —- разыскивать (искать) кого-л., что-л. to make a useful search among the old newspapers —- не без пользы порыться в старых газетах 2. воен. поиск; поиск экипажа или самолета, совершившего вынужденную посадку 3. воен. поиск цели 4. обыск house-to-house searches —- повальные обыски search warrant —- ордер на обыск right of search —- право обыска судов (в открытом море) 5. досмотр (таможенный и т. п.) 6. ам. расследование; исследование; осмотр 7. редк. пронизывающий холод или ветер 8. информ. (информационный) поиск, перебор вариантов area search —- групповой поиск database search —- поиск в базе данныхх logarithmic search —- двоичный поиск, поиск делением пополам search image —- поисковый образ search space —- область (зона) поиска 9. искать, отыскивать; разыскивать to search for a manuscript —- искать рукопись to search after happiness —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  исследование, изучение; поиск; исследовать, изучать; искать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) поиск, поиски 2) обыск, осмотр • - exhaustive search - job search - pattern search - random search - search of search - sequential search - title search - unreasonable search - search and seizure Syn: scan, information retrieval 2. гл. 1) искать, обыскивать 2) внимательно рассматривать 3) исследовать Syn: SEEK SEARCH 1) поиск; проводить поиск 2) исследование; исследовать 3) экспертиза – search as to novelty – search as to patentability – search file – search for analogs – search for an invention – search for identical marks – search for novelty – search for prior art – search for rationalization proposals – search for similar marks – search for the state of the art – search for utility – to search a patent – to search for validity – absolute search – art search – assignment search – associative search – batch computerized search – collection search – complete search – database search – dictionary search – direct search – directed search – exact-match search – examiner's search – exhaustive search – extensive search – family search – fractional search – index search – information search – infringement search – interference search – international novelty search – international search under the PCT – international-type search under the PCT – legal trademark search – literature search – manual search – narrow-subject search – novelty search – on-line search – patent search – patentability search – patent office search – preexamination search – preliminary search – preliminary examination search – preliminary novelty search – prior art search – prior-to-design patent search – publication search – random search – remote online search – retrospective search – state of the art search – subject-matter search – title search – validity search ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выискивание 2) искать 3) исследование 4) исследовать 5) отыскивание 6) поиск 7) поиск информации 8) поиски 9) разведка 10) разыскивание 11) рыскание 12) рыскать adaptive search procedure — метод адаптивного поиска adaptive search technique — метод адаптивного поиска between limits search — поиск в заданных пределах binary search method — метод двоичного поиска binary search tree — дерево двоичного поиска direct search method — метод прямого поиска golden section search — поиск по методу золотого сечения lattice search problem — задача поиска на решетке multistage search game — игра на многошаговый поиск optimal search algorithm — алгоритм оптимального поиска optimal search plan — план оптимального поиска optimal search technique — метод оптимального поиска ordered search algorithm — алгоритм упорядоченного поиска random search algorithm — алгоритм случайного поиска random search for optimum — слепой поиск оптимума random search method — метод случайного поиска search with learning — поиск с обучением sequential search algorithm — алгоритм последовательного поиска shortest path search — поиск кратчайчайшего пути step-by-step stepwise search — ступенчатый поиск - adaptive search - area search - associative search - automatic search - bisectional search - chaining search - circular search - combinatorial search - complete search - composite search - conic search - conjunctive search - coordinate search - dendroidal search - dependent search - dichotomous...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) поиск; искать 2) исследование; исследовать 3) перебор; перебирать – address search – area search – associative search – automatic search – bidirectional search – binary search – blind search – chaining search – dichotomizing search – file search – frequency-agile search – high-speed search – guided search – index search – limit-type search – linear search – look-ahead search – one-at-a-time search – ordered search – shuttle search – stepped search – variable-speed search ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) поиск искать, проводить поиск 2) перебор (напр. вариантов) перебирать (напр. варианты) - air search - air conflict search - area search - associative search - automatic datum search - beam search - bidirectional search - binary search - branch-and-bound search - chaining search - chain search - conjunctive search - contents search - dichotomizing search - dictionary search - disjunction search - exhaustive search - Fibonacci search - frequency search - frequency-agile search - guided search - heuristic search - key search - limit-type search - linear search - literature search - look-ahead search - multiaspect search - mutual search - ordered search - radar search - radio search - random search - sequential tree search - shuttle search - spiral search - square search - stepped search - target search - tree search - trial-and-error search - volumetric search ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. look through or go over thoroughly to find something. 2 tr. examine or feel over (a person) to find anything concealed. 3 tr. a probe or penetrate into. b examine or question (one's mind, conscience, etc.) thoroughly. 4 intr. (often foll. by for) make a search or investigation. 5 intr. (as searching adj.) (of an examination) thorough; leaving no loopholes. 6 tr. (foll. by out) look probingly for; seek out. --n. 1 an act of searching. 2 an investigation. Phrases and idioms in search of trying to find. right of search a belligerent's right to stop a neutral vessel and search it for prohibited goods. search me! colloq. I do not know. search-party a group of people organized to look for a lost person or thing. search warrant an official authorization to enter and search a building. Derivatives searchable adj. searcher n. searchingly adv. Etymology: ME f. AF sercher, OF cerchier f. LL circare go round (as CIRCUS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English cerchen, from Anglo-French cercher, sercher to travel about, investigate, ~, from Late Latin circare to go about, from Latin circum round about — more at circum-  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: as  a. to examine in seeking something ~ed the north field  b. to look through or explore by inspecting possible places of concealment or investigating suspicious circumstances  c. to read thoroughly ; check; especially to examine a public record or register for information about ~ land titles  d. to examine for articles concealed on the person  e. to look at as if to discover or penetrate intention or nature  2. to uncover, find, or come to know by inquiry or scrutiny — usually used with out  intransitive verb  1. to look or inquire carefully ~ed for the papers  2. to make painstaking investigation or examination  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an act of ~ing a ~ for food go in ~ of help  b. an act of boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas in exercise of right of ~  2. obsolete a party that ~es  3. power or range of penetrating; also a penetrating effect ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (searches, searching, searched) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you search for something or someone, you look carefully for them. The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men... Nonetheless there are signs that both sides may be searching for a compromise. VERB: V for n, V for n 2. If you search a place, you look carefully for something or someone there. Armed troops searched the hospital yesterday... She searched her desk for the necessary information... Relief workers are still searching through collapsed buildings looking for victims. VERB: V n, V n for n, V prep 3. A search is an attempt to find something or someone by looking for them carefully. There was no chance of him being found alive and the search was abandoned... Egypt has said there is no time to lose in the search for a Middle East settlement. N-COUNT: oft N for n 4. If a police officer or someone else in authority searches you, they look carefully to see whether you have something hidden on you. The man took her suitcase from her and then searched her... His first task was to search them for weapons. VERB: V n, V n for n 5. If you search for information on a computer, you give the computer an instruction to find that information. (COMPUTING) You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet. VERB: V for n • Search is also a noun. He was doing a computer search of local news articles. N-COUNT 6. see also searching, strip-search 7. If you go in search of something or someone, you try to find them. Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul... The law already denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n 8. You say ‘search me’ when someone asks you a question and you want to emphasize that you do not know the answer. (INFORMAL) CONVENTION c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 C usually singular an attempt to find someone or something + for  (Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors) in search of (=looking for)  (Mario went off in search of some matches. | call off a search (=stop looking for someone or something) | carry out a search)  (Security guards will be carrying out a search of the premises. | house-to-house search (=one that involves searching every house or building in an area) | strip search (=an official search in which you must take off all of your clothes)) 2 an attempt to find a solution to a problem or an explanation for something  (the search for the meaning of life) 3 search and rescue the process of searching for someone who is lost and who may need medical help, for example in the mountains or at sea ~2 v 1 »LOOK FOR« to spend time looking for someone or something  (Rescue workers searched all night in the hope of finding more survivors.) + for  (a mother bird searching for food) search sth for sth  (Detectives are out searching the yard for clues | search through sth (=look for something among papers in a drawer etc) | search in/under/around etc)  ("Two beers, please," Patricia ordered, searching in her purse.) 2 »PERSON« to look in someone's pockets, clothes etc in order to find something, especially drugs or weapons  (Visitors to the prison are thoroughly searched before they are allowed in.) 3 »SOLUTION/EXPLANATION ETC« to try to find a solution to a problem, an explanation for something etc + for  (Scientists are still searching for a cure for the disease.) 4 Search me! spoken used to tell someone that you do not know the answer to a question  ("So where's she gone tonight then?" "Search me!") 5 »EXAMINE« to examine something very carefully in order to find something out  (Anya searched his face anxiously.) search sth out phr v to find or discover something by searching  (We were too tired to search out extra blankets.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hosp. abbr. Screening Elders To Access Referrals Care And Health environ. abbr. Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House ocean sc. abbr. Study of Environmental Arctic Change univ. abbr. Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, And Hunt db. abbr. Search Envisioned As Relation And Class Hierarchizing educ. abbr. Students Excited About Reaching Challenging Heights educ. abbr. Students Experiencing Appropriate Research And Creative Happenings religion abbr. South East Area Rochester Churches For Habitat religion abbr. Seeking Employment And Renewing Christian Hope law abbr. Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, And Hunt law abbr. Sexism Ethnicity Ageism Racism Culturalism And Homophobia gen. bus. abbr. Seek Evaluate Analyze Research Challenge And Hypothesize pos. abbr. Self Employed Arts Related Contractors For Hire ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN SEARCH OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. cerchier "to search," from L. circare "go about, wander, traverse," from circus "circle." Phrase search me as a verbal shrug of ignorance first recorded 1900. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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